Our Expertise
Deep Orange develops custom applications, mobile APPs and Cloud solutions for planning, reporting, workflow, fiscal backup, navigation and management. The applications and services of Deep Orange increase efficiency in planning, costs and customer satisfaction
Data Analysis
We have a long history in using and building applications with TomTom Telematics (WEBFLEET). A few of our products analyse the raw GPS and fleet data of WEBFLEET. E.g. to support your financial & payroll systems or just to send orders to drivers related to their location and behavior. SMS Alert is an application that uses the actual Time of Arrival to notify customers.
Business App's
We design and build applications fit for purpose to facilitate business opportunities. We deliver our application and services as (Orange) Cloud applications, the customer then can access from anywhere, anytime. Most of our apps integrate with TomTom Telematics leading fleet management system WEBFLEET in order to improve the profitability of their fleet.
For Whom ?
We aim our products and services at small and medium business active in transport, production and B2B mobility services. For instance for companies that rely on GPS data to track their goods, vehicles and even valuable employee. We build 'WORK' applications to empower remote workers, alerting of deliveries etc. In short, try our products and services experience the benefits within your business.
Customer Quote's
more that 10 years experience in building business applications for businesses.
Dankzij SMS Alert kan mijn bedrijf optimaal service verlenen aan onze klanten. Onze pakketbezorgers staan nooit meer voor een dichte deur.
Gijsbert van Bochove (IT Manager)
Wij werken met WorkReport van DeepOrange. Onze bedrijfsadministratie heeft daardoor optimalisatieslag gemaakt.
John Hendriks, CEO