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‘Busje komt zo’ with the Shuttle Bot  

6 Januari 2017

Students, visitors and employees working at the Dutch Innovation Park, waar Dutch Innovation Factory situated in Zoetermeer, are very pleased they can make use of the free shuttlebuses which run to and fro between the trainstations and the DIF.
Deep Orange, one of the innovative companies at the Dutch Innovation Factory and Jeeves together have developed the shuttle bot App which ensures that the journey is easy and comfortable.

De Shuttle Bot is an idea of Leo Root, who is the Founder of Deep Orange. “We already developed an application called SMS Alert"  a service that provides a transport alert service via SMS. We wanted to explore the possibilities of "social media" as a communication channel to customers. To use this technology we needed a test bench, at the Dutch Innovation Factory this is already available : the shuttle bus. Bus company Jeeves was instantly enthusiastic about this new idea that summons a bus via the social media app. Jeeves was on board !. The Shuttle bus app works via the media app Telegram with pre-programmed commands in the speech bubble showing where the bus is and to summon a bus.

Shuttle busses are equipped with TomTom telematics LINK 201 vehicle tracking system.

SMS Alert delivered to the A-Point Groep

25 augustus 2016

Just recently we delivered a working SMS Alert service ready for use by the A-Point groep. On a day to day basis more than 400 employees deliver mobility services to their customers. Services like new or used cars, leasing, maintenance, repairs, repair, rent and modifications to cars.
Why did the A-Point Groep select SMS Alert?
The A-Point Groep uses SMS Alert to notify customers when their car will be deliverd.
Odoo tekst en afbeelding blok

Odoo tekst en afbeelding blok

In January we started to work with Docker

18 January 2016

Docker containers wrap a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything needed to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything that can be installed on a server. This guarantees that the software will always run the same, regardless of its environment.

Benefits for Deep Orange?
For our company DOCKER means we can provide the software products that we have developed quicker and more accurate for new customers. Within minutes, a completely new customer environment can be activated.
Odoo - Voorbeeld 1 voor drie kolommen

1 October  2016

ODOO 10 - New features

ODOO version 10 has arrived, it includes a brand new Help Desk tool. For companies with a helpdesk, ODOO comes with a whole new Omni Channel Helpdesk module where the customer is helped through various channels.

More info at :  ODOO Release notes  

Odoo - Voorbeeld 1 voor drie kolommen

11 october 2016

Code conference - internet of things

Deep Orange heeft op eerste code conferentie van ODOO Netwerk Nederland een werkende integratie laten zien van een LORA sensor met ODOO Warehousing. De sensor is ontwikkeld door StormCompany en de integratie met ODOO is uitgevoerd door Deep Orange. Op eenvoudige wijze is een bedrijfs proces geïmplementeerd dat indien nodig snel in product gezet kan worden. Alles te danken aan de integratie mogelijkheden van ODOO.

Odoo - Voorbeeld 1 voor drie kolommen

11 oktober 2016

Orange ID - Nieuwe innovatief product.

Onze huidige implementatie van Orange ID op basis van RFID tags zal met de komst van TomTom telematics PRO 2020 langzaam naar de achtergrond verwijnen. We blijven deze oplossing onderhouden en de huidige dienst verlening in stand houden. Maar we zijn druk bezig een nieuwe innovatieve versie aan het ontwikkelen waarmee we in november dit jaar gaan proefdraaien. Wordt vervolgd ......

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